The omni:us

Machine intelligence summit

Watch the highlights

Where AI x Insurance

For 3 years the omni:us Machine Intelligence Summit has invited AI experts, innovators and C-level insurance executives. The event is a cutting edge platform where AI meets business implementation. More than 500 brilliant minds under one roof to be part of a program addressing real case studies and the most essentials and intriguing topics in applied AI in insurance.

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Expert Panels


The Speakers

Picture of Deb Smallwood

Deb Smallwood

CEO & Founder

Picture of Ariel Gorelik

Ariel Gorelik

AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. (AFSI)
Executive VP/ Chief Information Officer and Chief Operations Officer

Picture of Rupin Mago

Rupin Mago

VP Americas

The Topics

State of Research

Breakthroughs, debates, future of development, deep learning

Ethics, Risks, Opportunities

Impact on society, social responsibility and the value of Artificial Intelligence

Insurance Applications

How AI is changing the way we work, consume & develop products


AI for Claims Management
The confluence of AI and insurance
Thoughts on the future of the insurance industry

The Program

Session 1

The State of AI

The power of AI comes at multiple granularities. There is a plethora of decisions made every day based on simple, repetitive patterns—and those apply to businesses as much as they do to individuals. It’s no surprise then, that most companies are using AI today to cut costs and improve efficiency. As more processes become digital, AI, then, becomes not just a critical part of the ecosystem, but the driving force, in large part because its main benefit is efficiency.

Session 2

AI in Business

In the era of digital transformation, AI will deliver change in all type organizations, starting from driving cars (computer vision technology), then manufacturing. This change will enable new innovative business models and new project management approaches emerge with the use of data science as a core strategy of modern organizations.
Automation technologies are reshaping the workplace and the way the organization engages with its customers. There is a lot of talk these days about the bleak future of employment. In reality, automation will spur the growth of many new jobs, including some entirely new job categories.

Session 3

AI in Insurance – A winning Duo!

Change is here, more is coming. Trends that business leaders should know about. AI insurance trends, examining the current state of the technology, the changes underway, and the potential resulting shifts in the industry.