2018 Wrap-Up

by omnius
Dezember 19, 2018

What a year! Sooo many things have happened. It’s hard to believe that 2018 had only 12 months ?.

This year’s theme at omni:us was ‘building a foundation’, based on some clarifications.

On various levels we forced ourselves to be precise about who we are and what makes us unique. We defined our long-term vision as well as the foundational values upon which we want to build this company – together, as a team. We were able to raise money from super cool investors I really love to work with. We have firepower for the next 24 months. That allows us to focus purely on what’s important for lifting our company to the next level of growth and meaningful impact.

The team grew to over 50 wonderful and hand-picked people from 24 countries! That sounds crazy, I know. And we love it! At Nicolo I found sweets from 4 countries in the kitchen…


We moved into our new office in Berlin Mitte, which we call ‘home for AI, future of insurance’ and you can literally feel the energy of change when you walk through the different rooms.

Next year is crucial for us.


But we, as the omni:us team, at least all know exactly where we want to be in one year; we have the strategy to get there, and we are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. And when I think of the whole team, I have a warm and calm feeling of confidence that we will manage the upcoming surprises which will inevitably confront us.

Without our surroundings, we would not be where we are today. Thanks to the numerous intros from our network, including our investors and even our customers, we were able to sign deals with over 20 major insurance companies in Europe and the US. We recognize the effort and deeply appreciate it!


It was an intense year full of different emotions. Exhausting moments, laughter and pure joy, celebrations and crisis meetings! And it all comes down to one thing: with a great team, everything feels doable and even the hardest nuts become fun to crack.

Challenge accepted 😉

I wish you all wonderful holidays and an inspiring start to the next year!

– Sofie

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