Solution Spotlight  Keynote

The key to reducing claim leakage and costs?

How AI-powered claim automation helped UNIQA.


In this session recording from DIA 2022 Amsterdam, Andreas Nemeth (UNIQA) and Martin Micko (omni:us) will be talking about their collaboration on claim automation, why it started and what the business impact has been so far. They will share their experiences, results, and insights on how UNIQA succeeded in cutting costs, whilst increasing customer satisfaction with the use of AI-powered claims processing.

The Agenda

Why do customers work with omni:us?
1. Why do customers work with omni:us?
1.1 Claims Automation Impact: Process Costs
1.2 Customers & Employee Satisfaction
1.3 Leakage & AI Governance Structure
The omni:us Digital Claims Adjuster
2.1 Reference Claims Processes
2.2 Claims Decision Catalogue
2.3 Core System Connectors
2.4 Lines of Business & Perils
2.5 Straight-Through Processing & Next-Best Actions
2.6 Claim Automation Performance
UNIQA Collaboration with omni:us
3.1 How to bring digitization to UNIQA?
3.2 Challenges
3.3 Collaboration Targets with omni:us
3.4 Definition of Use & Business Cases for MVPs
3.5 Going into Production
omni:us Automation Results @UNIQA
4.1 Automated Claim File Creation
4.2 E2E Straight-Through Processing
4.3 Proud & Relieved Workforce
4.4 Claim Automation from Unstructured Data
4.5 omni:us vs. other suppliers
4.6 Quality & Consistency
4.7 Claim Automation Roadmap
4.8 STP & Human Touch
4.9 Domain Understanding & Technology
omni:us as Automation Enabler @UNIQA
5.1 Reinventing Processes through Technology
5.2 Customer Feedback for Automated Processes

The Speakers

Picture of Andreas Nemeth

Andreas Nemeth

UNIQA Ventures
CEO & Managing Partner

Picture of Martin Micko

Martin Micko

COO & Founder

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